I have been absent from my blog for a while. Life has become very busy and chaotic as our long awaited extension is being built. At the moment, we’re at the foundations stage, so there is nothing interesting or exciting to show you yet, but in a couple of months, I hope that will change. It’s a big project, configuring the entire basement of our house into a lighter, brighter kitchen and living space with a utility room and a bathroom, and totally making over our tiny garden, effectively starting it again from scratch.
We’re camping on site, with no hot water or heating, and working the day jobs in the top two floors of the house, tucked away from the noise and the dust. “It will all be worth it,” is the mantra, and I’m certainly not complaining as I know we are lucky to be able to go ahead. It was a close run thing: construction costs have rocketed since our first tentative plans, and if we had left it much longer I think it would be beyond our budget.
I have a file full of cuttings and plans, both for the house and the garden. We’re now regulars at salvage yards and DIY stores. We had to buy the kitchen before it shot up by 14 per cent in price, so that’s now in a storage unit.
An update will follow shortly and as soon as I can get going on the garden, there will be regular updates on how to turn a very, very small space into a little green haven.